
The Potential to Heal Through Breathwork

From Tidskriften; Psychology Today. Posted July 21, 2022 |  Reviewed by Lybi Ma Co-authored by Aley Vesia and Robert T. Muller, Ph.D. The Potential to Heal Through Breathwork How regulating the flow of breath can slow the mind and help with focus. Although the term breathwork is relatively new, the practice of controlled [...]

The Potential to Heal Through Breathwork2025-03-05T15:03:39+01:00

With Love in Mind

With Love in Mind - New Podcast Now Available. Tystnaden – en portal till vår inre visdom Våra retreats har genomgående tema tystnad. För att få lite inblick i värdet och betydelsen av detta får ni gärna lyssna på poddavsnittet “Tystnad - en portal till vår inre visdom”, där jag blev inbjuden [...]

With Love in Mind2025-02-23T19:36:14+01:00

Guided Yoga Nidra at 6am CET

Moon cycle 24/3, 2020 - 22/4, 2020: Welcome to a guided Yoga Nidra At 6am we meet in the collective space. We meditate at the same time. We raise the awareness together. Thank you for showing up! We start our new meditation round on New Moon on Tuesday the 24th at 6am. [...]

Guided Yoga Nidra at 6am CET2020-03-23T12:36:47+01:00

A beginners guide to meditation

When you meditate: Create a sacred space for you, a quiet space where you feel safe and tranquil. Add some beauty… a candle…some flowers… Sit nice and comfortably. If you can, on the floor on a meditation cushion/stool or a block. Try to elongate your spine to allow the breath its proper space. [...]

A beginners guide to meditation2020-01-24T15:57:56+01:00

Moonlife meditation: Empty Space

Joint meditation at 6am every day! At 6am we meet in the collective space. We meditate at the same time. We raise the awareness together. Thank you for showing up! Moon cycle 12/12, 2019 – 5/1, 2020: focus on Empty space This following time we will focus our joint meditation in the empty [...]

Moonlife meditation: Empty Space2020-01-09T12:29:50+01:00
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