Imago Relationship Therapy
Marriage ultimately, is the practice of
becoming passionate friends.
-Harville Hendrix.
Imago therapy or Imago Relationship Therapy, (IRT) is a specific style of relationship therapy designed to help conflict within relationships become opportunities for healing and growth. The term imago is Latin for “image,” and within the context of IRT, it refers to an “unconscious image of familiar love.” A truly wonderful way to connect and reconnect.
Doing imago therapy
Imago Relationship Therapy is a very useful and helpful way to create connection between people. Sometimes we do get lost, and we forget how to meet and connect with each other. We create new paths from the heart, over the bridge, to the other heart. We explore the magical effect of proper listening, and it really creates a great possibility of an expansion in the connecting field.
The technique is very solid and structured and becomes a great tool to continue to use at home, on your own later on.
This dialog is often called “Therapy of Love”
Feel most welcome to try this ut, to make your relationship take a next level in an awareness realm.